We're 4 days into 2018, and my biggest hope for the year is that we keep loving, and keep fighting, keep inching towards justice and equity.
2017 was a hard year for many of us, politically and personally, if the personal and the political can ever be separated. (Spoiler alert: I grew up in the reproductive justice movement, and I believe that the personal is political is communal is systems of power and oppression is an organizing opportunity is communal, personal, political and a duty to win.)
But 2017 threw many of us through a loop, and made it harder for those of us who are once or twice or three times removed from the most dire impacts of oppression to ignore what has always been the foundation of our republic. 2017 was a revealing for many of us, and a re-thinking of everything, including our work.
RGR Communications opened its doors in 2017, and its been a ride, with a steep learning curve and a lot of joy. As with every new small business, I've spent most the of year feeling equal parts inspired, terrified, grateful and uncertain.
But 2017 has let me know that I am not alone in uncertainty, inspiration or growth. It has been an honor to grow along with my clients, and to watch caring, brilliant people adapt, birth and grow their work to meet uncertain times head on.
It has also been a pleasure getting to know so many change-makers, getting to see important, justice-oriented science and public service. Regardless of how cheesy I might sound, seeing your work and how you meet changing times has made me feel more hopeful about our collective future. This work reminds me what is possible.
And so I hope 2018 is filled with growth, comfort when we need, vision, and adapting. In support of the adaptation and growth we will need going forward, I am committed to helping you explore new ways of funding your work, including grant writing and less conventional fundraising strategies. I'm offering a 10% discount on select grant-writing and fundraising services; details are available here.
I am looking forward to growing together in 2018, professionally, personally, communally and in our collective resistance. And I'm so grateful for our growth, our adaptation, our brilliance, our solidarity. La lucha continua
In solidarity,